Thursday, 5 November 2015

Music Video Treatment

I am going to create an abstract music video with a slight narrative. I want the audience of my music video to create their own meaning and their own interpretation from my video - which is why there is no strong story narrative; however I am personally creating a story in relation to the song, although it is not an obvious story.  The genre of the song I'm using often uses the outdoors in the mise-en-scene as the genre always has an organic feel to it. I will be filming my video outdoors and there will also be a girl in my video as the song is written by a straight man about a girl. This means the audience could identify the girl in my video as the girl the musician is singing about.  I want the audience to visualize that the singer is dreaming about the girl and see her as mysterious.

I am considering filming dreamy-orange tinted scenes to show the romanticizing of the mysterious girl and then either blue tinted or black and white scenes to show the emptiness and loneliness that the singer feels, or maybe that the girl feels. It will also be very soft focus. I am taking a lot of inspiration from films that are set in the 60s or 70s and music videos from that time.

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