Friday, 18 December 2015

Mock Exam

For my mock exam as I only had test shots due to being unable to film because of weather restrictions I took advantage of the editing programme I am going to be using when editing my final footage. At first, I spent a fair  amount of time understanding the programme and trying to get the jist of where certain buttons and actions are that will be useful. Importing the clips and the song was fairly simple, as was muting the original track on the video footage. 
I then explored the transition effects. In my video, I want to use dissolve effects; hence why I experimented with this. This dissolve effect was quite difficult to get the hang of as it dissolved the clip into black - which I found unflattering and not conventional of music videos or the genre I am studying. By editing the length of the dissolve and adding a dissolve to the following video clip (while making them overlap slightly) I discovered that this got rid of the black screen, thus dissolving one clip into another. 
After experimenting with the transition effects I wanted to add aesthetically pleasing visual effects to the video itself. After scrolling through the long list of effects the programme had to offer I found many that I thought were pleasing, which you can see I've used in my mock video. The effects could make a boring video seem very interesting. Once adding the effect to the clip, the programme gave me the option to edit the effect (e.g. make the effect more intense or less intense). Overall, I found doing the mock exam very beneficial as I feel very familiar with the editing process now and understand how to edit my final video effectively and how I want to.

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Videos that I will be taking inspiration from

Here are videos that I've come across in the researching process that have really inspired me and given me some ideas for my music video.

All three of the above videos have similar outdoorsy themes, which the first two in particular having a focus on the girls, which is what I intend to have in my video. I have mainly taken cinematography inspiration from these videos.

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Audience Profile: Subcultures, Demographics, Gender, Age, Education, Psychographics, Geographical Location and Lifestyle

Safety Precautions and Possible Hazards

Weather Forecast For The Week Ahead

As my mock exam is next week, I have been keeping a keen eye on the weather to gage when I will be able to film. For my video, I will need a clear sky - which is looking very unlikely at the moment. I will not be able to film this week, however I have already done some filming in October which would be great to use for my Mock.

Monday, 7 December 2015

Focus Group Questions

Focus group questions from s0017407

Here are my focus group questions that I am going to print off, ask people at random and video their response. The questions are all to do with the audiences relationship with media texts.

First Draft of Storyboard

Draft of Storyboard from s0017407

This is my first draft as I exceeded the maximum MB limit on storyboard that, meaning that I had to make another one separate to this one.